Fortune Arterial was released long time ago, and I wanted to share it long time ago too, but alway forget (dunno why I alway remembered I has share it, weird @.@), and so it hibernation inside my hardisk for long long time lol. Finally, I remembered it when I searching and organize one of the hardisk on the other day. So act as a released game memory event lol.
This is eroge Fortune Arterial, which release in January this year, and it well known. I personally like Erika (above picture) the most. It will be very large file size after extract over 1gb if I remember correctly. It include background, event CG and character CG.

Oh ya, the event CG is NSFW, mean it contains CG not suitable for minors as well as when you are in working. By viewing this CG, you agree that you are legal age to view adult content according to laws in your country, so view it at your own risk. Before I forget, remember thank the one who has rip this CG and share it to everyone from this
forum. Find the CG via
link 1(include background, character and etc),
link 2 (just the event CG).